So i found a cd the other day put it into my computer and there was a video and i watched it and it was scary ( the curse of the octo samurai.exe.jpg.funky part 2)

So one day, i was walking on the street, to calm me down about that stupid dvd.
And after I'm done walking i would go home and watch my dora porno,
And later,  i have to pay my bills, I was waiting to go home.
And after that i will order a pizza,
And eat it with its peparoni sausage and bacon glory.
while i was walking down street i Saw a cd called, "HEY REMEMBER ME!?!?".
I put in the dvd,
And then it downloaded, I Waited for it to Finish downloading, And in the .zip file, there was a .txt file called "readme.txt".
I clicked it, and it said:
"WARNING: The video you're about to see will scare the cr*p out of YOU for life! Watch at your own risk."
220px-OD_Compact_disc.svg.png|the disk
Revenge_of_Octo_Samurai_Intro.jpg|i thought he was gone! (a photo from the video)
shy_guy__s_face_by_treasurefanboy.jpg|wtf!?!?! (another screenshot of the video)
omega_flowey_mid_tf_by_bee_lovin_gal02-daup080.jpg|not again!?!?!? (yet ANOTHER screenshot from the the video)|linktext=i dont know who created this but its not me

Then i closed the .txt file And saw "OCTOSAMURAI REVENGE", I double-clicked it and It played the video.
The video started with a Title Card with black text that said "I AM OCTO SAMURAI FUCK YOU" in a red background, Then it faded to a bloody House at Midnight.
I sat there looking at the house for 666 seconds, And after it showed the bloody House, it cuts to static,
Then it showed the torture room at night for about 420 seconds just like it showed The bloody House, Then it cuts to static again,
And This Time it lasted for 69 seconds, And then it showed revenge of the octo samurai standing in a dark room, The strange thing was That it was an bloody room,
A cumey, bloody, room octo samurai revenge was just standing there staring at me, It lasted for about 1337 minutes, And Then it cuts to static once again
for a few minutes, and that's when everything took a turn for the worse, i actually saw the devilish duo standing in a blood red background.
they were still staring at me with their hyper realistic eyes and they just stood there for 237 minutes. There were no sound at all. Then static flickered 666 times,
And on the 3rd time, it cuts to shy guy And this time he did not have his mask and it was the scariest face ever.
But he was still standing in a red background staring at me with the creepiest face ever.
And then it cuts to static again for about 420 minutes and 69 seconds, Then it cuts to the tyranous trio again, And this time the background changed,
It was a black background from The black screen series,
In the background you can hear random distorted murmuring and screaming sounds from every creepypasta ever
It lasted for about  1337 minutes as i sat there looking at the trio with the scary hyper realistic eyes and blood all over them the blood is also hyper realistic.
After the random distorted murmuring and screaming sounds from  every creepypasta ever
The background changed to blood for 666420 seconds, And after i sat there for 691337 seconds, The camera zooms into tartars head and It cuts to red static from dickhead the lost episode,
It lasted for 2 minutes, And after i sat there for 2 minutes, It showed a hyper realistic image of omega mans face, And he has parts from every creepypasta killer ever
He looks like a Fusion of ever creepypasta killer ever then the red static flickred 666666 times,
And on the 666666th time it did the distorted and demonic Kefka laugh from asshole.exe.
Then it cuts to red static again but the noise being louder and more distorted for a good 66666666666666666666666666666666 seconds.
Then it stopped and showed nothing but an inky screen.
As I sat there staring at the black screen for 15 seconds, Some minionese text came up that said,
The text was So red, In the background was the quantianious quadro were covered in blood,
And as the text came up, It did the Ending scream sound from fuckface versions 69 420 and 666,
And then it cuts to black and the video ended.
I thought to myself after the video ended, "meh that was boring".
And As i was sitting there for 30 seconds, I heard a whisper:
And as I Turned around, I Saw what scared the shit out of me,
It was the quantanius quadro.
And then i deleted the video and smashed the dvd.
And after i deleted it, They faded and dissapeired .
I swear If I See one of those fuckers again im gonna go INSANE!!
So, If you see a disk on the street dont watch it!!